The Prayer of
Jabez by Bruce Wilkinson
ISBN : 1-5767.3733-0
Publisher : Multnomah
Our Rating :  Jabez is a minor Old Testament figure, making his
appearance in 1 Chronicles, chapter 4. Jabez prayer is a simple one: 'Oh, that You would
bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You
would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain.'
Bruce Wilkinson's book should be treated with
caution. On the one hand, simply praying the Jabez prayer regularly will not automatically
deliver untold blessings - Christian experience and doctrine tells us that blessings are
given through God's grace, rather than simply in response to an automatic prayer. On the
other hand, this is an easy to read book that has encouraged many people to turn to God in
prayer and ask Him for what their hearts desire.
The Prayer of Jabez is reviewed here
principally because it has been such a strong seller. There are other books which give a
stronger introduction to meeting with God in prayer. We particularly recommend Bill
Hybels' Too Busy to Pray.