The Prayer Guide
Praying Alone
Praying in families
Praying with others
Praying for..
Prayers to pray
Books to read
Online prayer
For Leaders
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Whilst some of us
will prefer to pray alone, others may prefer to pray with others. We need both - it's
quite clear from Jesus' teaching that he wanted his disciples to pray on their own (Mt
6:6) and also together (Mt 18:19,20). ( ) If you are not already praying regularly with others,
take the plunge! Perhaps you might start with one or two friends, people you feel
comfortable with. Don't worry about what to say when you meet, begin by talking together
about your needs and concerns, then spend time praising God together - just simply
acknowledging his greatness and the things he has done. Take time to thank him for the way
that your life is blessed by Him day by day, and end by praying about your needs and
concerns for each other. The prayer element needn't take long to start with. Just like
personal prayer time, start with ten to fifteen minutes or so, and gradually increase it.
It is better to spend ten minutes of quality time praying together, than to have wonderful
plans to spend longer that never move beyond the planning stage :

with Other Christians
- leading prayer groups
- leading prayers in church
- prayer ministry
- prayerwalking
- praying as a family.
- praying as husband and wife
praying with others can initially feel embarrassing, we may worry that our prayers are not
well phrased, or we don't feel good enough to pray with the rest of the group, we should
set these fears aside. Just as in our private prayer, we can converse with God in simple
language. Indeed, sharing how we feel about praying in a group can encourage others as
they may also have similar fears. If we prefer, we can use a more formal structure for
prayer, such as the one offered as a daily pattern for prayer. |