All the books we review here, we would
recommend! However, whilst one star books are helpful, four star books are
definitely worth hunting down. We'd love to receive your comments on the books we've
reviewed, or any reviews of other books about prayer that you've read and would recommend
- please do e-mail us at
info@prayerguide.org.uk with a write-up of your favourite. Reviews of :
Angela Ashwin, Patterns not Padlocks 
Jill Briscoe, Prayer That Works 
Owen Collins, The Times Book of Prayers and Readings 
Michael Forster, A Story, a Hug and a Prayer 
Peter Hansen, Long Wandering Prayer 
Jane Holloway, Prayer for Amateurs 
Bill Hybels, Too Busy Not to Pray 
Pablo Martinez, Prayer Life 
Bruce Wilkinson, Prayer of Jabez 