Seeking Forgiveness
Admitting to God
the things that we have done wrong, and seeking forgiveness for them is the third element
of the ACTS pattern.
One of the most wonderful things about being a Christian is that when
we come before Father God and say sorry, he always forgives us. This is unlike human
parents, friends or colleagues who at time may have said that we are forgiven, but who
secretly harbour resentment. God's forgiveness is total and complete.
It is vital that Christians know the totality
and permanance of God's forgiveness. If you are not certain of this, you might like to meditate on these verses from Ephesians 1:4-8:
"Because of his love God had
already decided that through Jesus Christ he would make us his sons and
daughtersthis was his pleasure and purpose. Let us praise God for his glorious
grace, for the free gift he gave us in his dear Son! For by the blood of Christ we are set
free, that is, our sins are forgiven. How great is the grace of God, which he gave to us
in such large measure!"
It is not just that sinfulness is against the
law that God has set for us, sin causes pain in the Father's heart. Joyce Huggett tells a
story in her book, "learning the language of prayer" of a small boy who was
persistently late home from school "If you're late again, there will be no dinner for
you", warned his parents, but to no avail. For a few days he was more punctual, but
then slipped back into his old habits. When the family sat down to their evening meal, it
was the boys favourite : roast chicken potatoes, vegetables and gravy. His mother put down
two plates of food in front of herself and the boy's father. They all closed their eyes
whilst the boy's father said grace. When the boy opened his eyes, he saw his father
swapping his empty plate for his father's own plate full of food. As the boy gazed at
this, two things struck him deeply: the depth of his father's love, and the price he was
prepared to pay to express that love.
We too are called to forgive others. Jesus
teaches us in the Lords Prayer to pray that we might be
forgiven in the same manner as we forgive those who have wronged us. In Matthew's Gospel
we read of Jesus telling Peter that he must forgive his brother seventy seven times ( ), and Paul
writes to the Ephesians, "Be kind and
compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ, God forgave you." (Eph 4:32). Being forgiving takes patience and
strength of character, which takes time to develop. Ask God to help you develop such